Dec 3, 2021
What Mike shares will explain why everyone is so excited about AZREIA
Listen to the full episode and you’ll learn:
2:11 Mike’s mindset of “I wanted something better than a 9-5 job” —
how he ended up going for it.
3:48 How did Mike get started with wholesaling in real estate?
4:50 Mike’s benefits of joining his Local REIA—Azreia
7:48 What Kept Mike connected at Azreia for over decade.
8:43 Mike’s Foray into being an instructor at Azreia
10:48 Mike’s strongest reasons why he stayed with Azreia versus
running off some Gurus
14:04 Mike’s The Executive Producers goals, dreams, ambitions for
the Azreia community - Revealed!
19:11 The Power of Community at Azreia
21:40 A great opportunity awaits you at Azreia
Discover how to Start Wholesaling Real Estate
Thanks for listening to the AZREIA SHOW Podcast with Marcus Maloney and Michael Del Prete. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes and leave a rating and review. See you on our next episode!
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Azreia Real Estate Investing Entrepreneurial Self Assessment
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