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Jul 30, 2021

In this episode, let's welcome our special guest Dean Leonard. and learn how AZREIA education and relationships turned this trucker into a real estate investor.

Guest Bio: Tucson has been my home for almost 25 years. While still working at a local copper mine, I started investing and flipping in Real Estate in 2011....

Jul 16, 2021

How do I take down property and make sure the numbers work? How do I own and manage that property and make sure I have cash flow? - Look no further, let Garrick O’Connell helps you here from acquisition to financing, to property management, to possibly disposition and networking.

So... Get ready… It’s time to get...

Jul 1, 2021

Learn from the best “Tom Chase” our resident AZREIA Note instructor teaches about investing in notes.

Tom has been an active real estate investor since 1998, investing in Arizona, Florida, and Texas. In 2012 he changed his investment focus to performing notes. He has been a member of the Arizona Real Estate...